Sunday, 6 January 2008

Mr Leclère's bath

When he takes a bath,
and a photoshoot takes place.

L & L on Charing Cross

Heading towards Central st Martins, les couturiers, walk side by side with their rapid walk, making sarcastic comments about grotesque. A harvey nichols bag is Lucas's signature.

After fashion

the croud comes out and closets are empty

moi & jeanne : Cholat Chaud & Pain beurré

Louis, le vison, les cornes, le casque et la cheminée

When you are getting ready for a night out, ask Louis to come over, he will find the perfect outfit for you to be la star de la nuit.
like Amanda Leer in Chinatown .

I am late

I am late again
It is becoming problematic
I take much more time to do things, simple things,
I am getting old probably, and the fact I now live in a borough of 70 year old rich grannies makes me be lazy.

Those bring a lot of souvenirs back to my mind.
Lucas, Louis and Lolita, my lovely 3 Ls
They are still as unique as when I left them
& of course they are special to me
What about London ?
Well it did change to my surprise . Boombox is now invaded by wannabes - nu rave is still going on - and shoreditch house opened - & sun was out, trully unexpected.
I have now got a scanner, and so you can have now a look to my pictures without the flash right in the middle of it. I had had the comment from a couple of you that it could be a nice signature !
I doubt on that ...

Friday, 2 November 2007


She is:

an unusual character cycling in the streets of Paris.
with me at the back
we struggle
When she does not pay attention,
we fall

She laughs
She smiles

she is one of those persons I am glad I have met in this city so far

Fête Foraine

I still wonder today why I have been there yesterday.

Thursday, 25 October 2007


The face I make when I wake up in a 15 m2

Paris maintenant

Oh La France ! Jolie France

Rebellious France.
marre des manifestations.
les velibs font mal aux muscles.

Fashion week - Chic. Carinne Roitfeld wearing very high heels, hard look because she can't walk in them, and walks last.
Yohji, lost in the middle of a garage.
Jefferson escapes, even though it was not that bad...


I have been lasy and busy, both together and the fact I still not have access to wifi made this website a dead and abandoned one. But i have decided to write a few articles today, just if by any chance any of the old visitors, kept my adress in their bookmark - which I doubt.
I have been processing films recently from the summer- which I hadn't porcessed yet and my first ones in Paris.
I have been so lasy that I have not bought a scanner yet, so you'll still have this flash copyright on my pictures - quality isn't there. but at least you have a glance, a preview.
Paris is for sure an incredibly beautiful city, full of arrogant old people and of pretentious ignorant boring youngsters. Of course, there are exceptions and I am glad there is.
"Je regrette Londres" , but I might go back there next year, or enjoy Paris later in the year, when I will have discovered more of its positive sides.

PAris is all about Food
"C'est si bon"
My college is right in front la Grande Epicerie - What the fuck . "Will I get fat or something ?"

Enjoy my last days in London, sunny days, with bright people
The last days I have spent in London where fulfilled with a shinning sun, and the fabulous french squad

Friday, 3 August 2007

My summer is allovertheplace.
I'll write in a month.
Keep me in your bookmarks bar !

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Weird night.
The love of my childhood appeared in front of my eyes yesterday,
It has been four years since we last met,
I listened
I believe my taste changed
but there were still these child's wide open eyes on him.
This Charming Man.

Tuesday, 31 July 2007


Back here, everything is too simple.
I am bored already of this way of living.

Leaving in a few days to Ibiza where I am not planning to live a jet set life but rather more a chilled out hippy one ?!
Of course I'll shower - what I mean is I won't hang out in those places where you only meet people that need to show off to feel they exist.

I can't stop thinking about september ... I will be moving to Paris, therefore the nightmare of packing hunts me. I have so many things in London that I have to move. So many souvenirs I am leaving behind me.
So what to think about Paris ? Beautiful city, great food, gorgeous guys, but then will it all satisfy my needs? Won't I miss british extravaganza?
To start again from zero scares me
But I guess I am getting used to it.

Eating a slice of Cote D'or, my thoughts vanish
That is all I needed


Sunday, 29 July 2007

Le retour

I have, a few hours ago, come back from NY. A city in which I did not feel a stranger, and in which I gained some weigth because of their sometimes, delicious, gastronomy.

Met charismatic, beautiful, smart, kind, open minded, outgoing and interesting persons.

Unforgetable moments.
If I told you I was on the backsit of a Triumph wearing a golden helmet and rode from Manhattan to Brooklyn, would you believe me?

My eyes were wide open during this whole month of july, so wide, that the air conditioning made them red, so red, that when I got home my mother was wondering if I did not take a flight to Jamaica instead of NY.

I have been taking my leica with me everywhere, some of the rolls have already been processed, therefore I am posting some of the pictures - still without scanner! Excuse my lazyness to go and get one.

My brain is crashing, I drank a litre of coffee to stay awake today and I can hardly write a proper sentence, the caffeine effect worked for a time but not anymore.

pardon me, I would prefer to stop it here as what I am writing might have no sense.

I will write soon,
