Sunday, 6 January 2008

Mr Leclère's bath

When he takes a bath,
and a photoshoot takes place.

L & L on Charing Cross

Heading towards Central st Martins, les couturiers, walk side by side with their rapid walk, making sarcastic comments about grotesque. A harvey nichols bag is Lucas's signature.

After fashion

the croud comes out and closets are empty

moi & jeanne : Cholat Chaud & Pain beurré

Louis, le vison, les cornes, le casque et la cheminée

When you are getting ready for a night out, ask Louis to come over, he will find the perfect outfit for you to be la star de la nuit.
like Amanda Leer in Chinatown .

I am late

I am late again
It is becoming problematic
I take much more time to do things, simple things,
I am getting old probably, and the fact I now live in a borough of 70 year old rich grannies makes me be lazy.

Those bring a lot of souvenirs back to my mind.
Lucas, Louis and Lolita, my lovely 3 Ls
They are still as unique as when I left them
& of course they are special to me
What about London ?
Well it did change to my surprise . Boombox is now invaded by wannabes - nu rave is still going on - and shoreditch house opened - & sun was out, trully unexpected.
I have now got a scanner, and so you can have now a look to my pictures without the flash right in the middle of it. I had had the comment from a couple of you that it could be a nice signature !
I doubt on that ...