Sunday, 24 June 2007

Brussels is dead

more of Antwerp .

Brussels .
I would rather say it is relaxing, than state : it is boring.
I think it is just me that needs to spend my energy in a more lively and active city.
I have always perceived Brussels as an extremely uninteresting capital.
However, in rencent days, I had a different approach towards Brussels, I thought of it being quite unique - and its fashion scene pretty developped.
Nevertheless, in the long run, I am tired of it!

& For those who wonder " what the hell is she doing in Brussels ? " - it is because my barcelonean father and my parisian mother are unfortunetely both currently based here because of the EU.

New York is my next destination, for a month.
It has been two years
since I last walked around and felt so small & thin,
since I last ate those juicy, falling appart burgers
since I last saw art work smartly presented
since I last counted American flags.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, YSL is classic!

You know,in the U.S. the government does not own TV.