Thursday, 25 October 2007


The face I make when I wake up in a 15 m2

Paris maintenant

Oh La France ! Jolie France

Rebellious France.
marre des manifestations.
les velibs font mal aux muscles.

Fashion week - Chic. Carinne Roitfeld wearing very high heels, hard look because she can't walk in them, and walks last.
Yohji, lost in the middle of a garage.
Jefferson escapes, even though it was not that bad...


I have been lasy and busy, both together and the fact I still not have access to wifi made this website a dead and abandoned one. But i have decided to write a few articles today, just if by any chance any of the old visitors, kept my adress in their bookmark - which I doubt.
I have been processing films recently from the summer- which I hadn't porcessed yet and my first ones in Paris.
I have been so lasy that I have not bought a scanner yet, so you'll still have this flash copyright on my pictures - quality isn't there. but at least you have a glance, a preview.
Paris is for sure an incredibly beautiful city, full of arrogant old people and of pretentious ignorant boring youngsters. Of course, there are exceptions and I am glad there is.
"Je regrette Londres" , but I might go back there next year, or enjoy Paris later in the year, when I will have discovered more of its positive sides.

PAris is all about Food
"C'est si bon"
My college is right in front la Grande Epicerie - What the fuck . "Will I get fat or something ?"

Enjoy my last days in London, sunny days, with bright people
The last days I have spent in London where fulfilled with a shinning sun, and the fabulous french squad